USMLE Step 3 Exam Fees | Registration Fees and other costs of USMLE Step 3 Exam


USMLE Step 3 Exam Fees

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USMLE Step 3 Fees:

Given below is the USMLE Exam fees for Step 3, and additional USMLE Step 3 costs.

Fee Structure:

Application Fee


Rescheduling Fee



Rescheduling Fees:

Days before scheduled test

Testing Region


31+ days before the test date

All testing regions

No Fee

Less than 31 days to more than 5 days before the test date

All testing regions


5 or fewer days before the test date

US and Canada


Africa, Asia (including Hong Kong and Pakistan),

Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Latin America,

Middle East (including Egypt), Thailand


Europe (including Israel), Korea, Taiwan

