Media Films in Germany | Top Universities, Courses, Admission & Fees


Media Films in Germany

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Program Type
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Exams Accepted
Berlin International University of Applied Sciences

Berlin International University of Applied Sciences

Location: Berlin, Germany

Bachelors: EUR 8380 Masters: EUR 11100
Entry Criteria: IELTS ,PTE MORE
Berlin School of Business and Innovation (BSBI)

Berlin School of Business and Innovation (BSBI)

Location: Berlin, Germany

Bachelors: EUR 11000 Masters: EUR 12600
Entry Criteria: IELTS ,PTE
SRH University Berlin

SRH University Berlin

Location: Berlin, Germany

Bachelors: EUR 10710 Masters: EUR 11400
Entry Criteria: IELTS ,PTE MORE
UE | University of Applied Sciences Europe

UE | University of Applied Sciences Europe

Location: Berlin, Germany

Bachelors: EUR 12000 Masters: EUR 12000
Entry Criteria: Duolingo ,IELTS MORE
EU Business School, Munich

EU Business School, Munich

Location: Munich, Germany

Bachelors: EUR 14100 Masters: EUR 16350
Entry Criteria: IELTS ,PTE MORE
Macromedia University of Applied Sciences

Macromedia University of Applied Sciences

Location: Berlin, Germany

Bachelors: EUR 11000 Masters: EUR 13680
Entry Criteria: Duolingo ,IELTS MORE
mdh University of Applied Sciences (Media Design)

mdh University of Applied Sciences (Media Design)

Location: Berlin, Germany

Bachelors: EUR 12600 Masters: EUR 12600
Entry Criteria: IELTS ,
SRH Leipzig

SRH Leipzig

Location: Leipzig, Germany

Bachelors: EUR 7800 Masters: EUR 10900
Entry Criteria: IELTS ,PTE MORE
SRH Munich

SRH Munich

Location: Munich, Germany

Bachelors: EUR 9480 Masters: EUR 11000
Entry Criteria: IELTS ,PTE MORE
SRH Stuttgart

SRH Stuttgart

Location: Stuttgart, Germany

Bachelors: EUR 9000 Masters: EUR 12900
Entry Criteria: IELTS ,PTE MORE

Media Films Universities in Germany

Study Media Films in Germany, Media Films course, university, Media Films colleges, best, cost, list, in english

Have you dreamed of making amazing movies? Do you think that the glamorous lifestyle of film and TV is perfect for you? Then your best bet is to study Media Films in Germany.

The Media Films course in Germany ranks among the best courses worldwide. Graduates from these courses routinely create a variety of works, ranging from TV shows to movies to photographs. These works are often regarded as top of the line.

To join the ranks of these esteemed artists, getting a solid education in Media Films is necessary. These Media Films colleges provide an excellent platform for budding artists to refine their talents and sharpen their skills. The Media Films courses give a balanced mixture of practical training and theoretical education. Students can attend a wide variety of courses like Practical Film-making, writing for Film and TV, Film Media etc.

Thanks to Germany attempting to increase the number of people who graduate, the German government has heavily reduced the cost of attending courses in German universities. Most students have to pay a nominal fee for tuition, and pay for lodging and boarding. This ensures that the courses are quite affordable, even for international students. Plus, there are special courses for international students that are taught in English. This way, all students are placed on an equal footing.

Media Films courses have a variety of specialisations. Since one course cannot teach everything from all fields, it is necessary for the student to choose which courses they wish to take. After graduating, a variety of Master’s degrees are also available for the students who wish to polish their skills further.

To that end, we have provided a list of colleges that provide Media Films degrees. This list also shows the entry requirements and the courses provided, so you can make the best pick.